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Point of View Task Cards - Perspective Taking Scenarios

Your students will get lots of perspective taking practice by interpreting multiple points of view of characters in these 42 scenario task cards! Each card features a different social scenario where the student must identify 3x different points of view of both characters. Perspective taking is a k
Original Price $3.50
Get this resource (and more!) as part of a bundle:
  1. These activities will provide plenty of point of view practice using social scenarios! Each card features a real life scenario where your student must identify 3x points of view of both characters. These perspective taking activities include specific situations for students of all ages.What is incl
    Price $14.00Original Price $17.50Save $3.50
  2. This is a large pack of social skills activities providing over a YEAR'S worth of practice surrounding a variety of social skills including conversations, friendship skills, perspective taking, empathy and more!Activity resources include task cards, worksheets, powerpoint activities, games and craft
    Price $73.67Original Price $105.25Save $31.58
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    $3.50 USD
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