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Making Inferences with Pictures | Social Skills Activity

This is an activity of 40 cards providing 'real life' pictures to help students practice making social inferences about the thoughts and feelings of others using clues that they see.Our students must learn to make social inferences by looking for signs and clues to help them better understand the po
Original Price $3.50
Get this resource (and more!) as part of a bundle:
  1. This activity includes 120x cards in total, providing 'real life' photos to help children practice making social inferences about thoughts and feelings using social cues. This is a vital skill in social problem solving and life skills! Making inferences help children to better understand the world
    Price $8.40Original Price $10.50Save $2.10
  2. This is a large pack of social skills activities providing over a YEAR'S worth of practice surrounding a variety of social skills including conversations, friendship skills, perspective taking, empathy and more!Activity resources include task cards, worksheets, powerpoint activities, games and craft
    Price $73.67Original Price $105.25Save $31.58
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    $3.50 USD
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