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Fitness Circuit Station cards - 36 PE gym activities: Elementary & middle school

- 36 PE Fitness Circuit station cards for elementary & middle school sport activitiesThe Fitness Circuit cards pack is a must have for your school sport lessons. Suitable for Kindergarten - grade 8, these exercise cards cover the 6 components of fitness necessary to keep your students healthy an
Original Price $12.00
Get this resource (and more!) as part of a bundle:
  1. › 72 different fitness exercises with station cards & online videos + 78 workout tasks in powerpoint format (complete with videos and instruction) Why do I need this bundle?If you need to take P.E lessons and want to start with fitness, this bundle is perfect for you! Instructing fitness with yo
    Price $31.50Original Price $42.00Save $10.50
  2. ***new addition: Fundamental sport skills (slides + videos pack)I've put together a bundle of the resources I've made, available here so you can purchase everything in one go with big savings! AND, when I add new resources to this bundle, you have access to them for free, without any additional purc
    Price $320.00Original Price $382.67Save $62.67
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    $12.00 USD
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