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Impulse Control Interactive PowerPoint–Executive Function Series (+Task Cards!)

Created by
Eve Coates
Many bright and capable students don't succeed like they should because of deficits in their executive skills, such as impulse control. By the time these students are in high school, these skills can be so insufficient to meet school demands that it can take many months or years to help them get whe
Original Price $5.99
Get this resource (and more!) as part of a bundle:
  1. Many bright and capable students don't succeed like they should because of deficits in their executive function. This is a set of skills that help students organize, prioritize, plan, focus, control impulses, and accomplish goals- or in other words, it helps students "get things done."By the time th
    Price $45.00Original Price $88.00Save $43.00
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    $5.99 USD
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