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Bartering in Mesopotamia Activity

This activity can be used to demonstrate the concept of bartering to students. In the activity, students are given one of four professions in ancient Mesopotamia: farmer, carpenter, blacksmith, and weaver. Each profession starts with certain goods and must trade to acquire other goods that they need
Original Price $2.00
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  1. This Introduction to History bundle includes the following products:Introduction to History PresentationIntroduction to History WorksheetPrimary and Secondary Sources WorksheetBC/AD WorksheetThe Stone Age PresentationThe Stone Age WorksheetSeven Wonders of the Ancient World PresentationSeven Wonders
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  2. This bundle includes over 100 world history products in both PDF/PowerPoint and Google Apps formats. Optional assessments are included covering: Introduction to History, Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Age o
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