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Test Encouragement Cards | Theme: Candy/Sweets | Print, Cut, & GO!

Introducing our Candy/Sweets Test-Encouragement Cards Collection: 12 vibrant cards filled with clever phrases and puns to motivate students during testing season. Teachers can pair these cards with matching candies or sweets for an extra boost of encouragement! Easily printable and perfect for any t
Original Price $4.00
Get this resource (and more!) as part of a bundle:
  1. Introducing our Test-Encouragement Cards Collection: 40 vibrant cards filled with clever phrases and puns to motivate students during testing season. With themes like Candies/Sweets, Snacks, Fruits & Vegetables, and BONUS non-food items, these cards offer playful encouragement to help students s
    Price $10.00Original Price $12.00Save $2.00
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    $4.00 USD
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